Jul 29, 2006

Building a Bar...

We were asked to build a bar in 4 days. Seems reasonable, but the design we came up with was slightly extravagant. Anyways, the first night Mike and I modeled the bar in 3d on the computer and asked just about everybody we knew how high to make the top surface of the bar. We even piled boxes on my kitchen table to try and simulate the leaning at each height. Then there was the dilemna of there being 2 bartenders behind the bar. So, we came out with a 2 level 6' x 6' corner bar. Now, only 3 days left.

Go to the wood pile, choose somewhat reasonable boards to put on bar. Use planed wood to build surface. Trim the edge of the top.

Two days to go

Build the framework under the top of the bar. Assemble the top of the bar.

One day to go

Build the framework under the bottom of the bar. Start cutting boards to make the front of bar. Spray bar.

Congratulations, you just built a bar in 3 days instead of 4.

Jul 19, 2006

The Wedding Weekend...

Dave came home on monday, but forgot to tell anyone he was going to be here. I ended up at his house tues, wed, thur and friday playing guitar. It was a blast. We went to fibber's on wednesday night for open mic and then to the tavern in pictou for Thursday night open mic. I enjoy playing in front of people. It is fun. However, sometimes it pays to practice before doing this :P

Friday evening started out with going to the greenhouses in West River to buy some cherry
trees. I bought 2 after picking the gardener guy's brain for about an hour. Got the trees, but the rear passenger door in the escape stopped working. Got to drive home with the door tied shut with a piece of twine. Mike called as soon as I got home. His car burst a fuel line. Good start to the weekend. I had to fix the escape first. Went outside, lubed the latch and it worked I wasnt asking any questions. I haven't used the door since.

We went to Dave's house and played guitar and sat around and chatted for a little while (till about 3 am). We were going to go dive in the river at this point so we grabbed some flashlights and headed down there. There was a tree laying in the river where we were going to swim so we decided not to go. It looked pretty hard to climb through the tree to get into the water. Long story.

Got up Saturday morning and headed to Country Harbour for Nathan and Sara's wedding. Got there around 2, changed and headed in. There was a van delivering people to and from the wedding so no one had to drive. The day was beautiful... sooo hot and sunny. After the ceremony and supper (roast beef), we started getting ready for the reception. I've never danced that much in my life. All I can say is that if weddings are all like this, then I want to someday get married on the beach (I SAID SOMEDAY!!).

Sunday morning we got up, went back to the cottage, and despite some skeptical people, we knew the sun was going to come up. Got the boat in the water and got the tube out. I had no bathing suit, and am a little nervous in deep water so I just enjoyed sitting on the boat tooling around. Took Brandon, Terri, Sara, Sara's cousin (Beth) and Nathan out on the tube. I wish we could have been there all day.

Sunday night made it back to home and kinda slept a little. Mike and I didnt get much sleep either friday night or saturday night.

Not much in the works for this weekend, paintball looks like a possibility and Melissa might be around again. Its been super super hot here lately, so I'm going to go shave my head.

Jul 9, 2006

The Taxi Cab Co-Pilot...

Its been about a week now. Monday was a holiday and probably needed it from that weekend. It was a good time.

I can't remember what day we played paintball, but it was a lot of fun. It was Mike, Brandon, Devon and I. We walked up the road behind Brandon's house and played about 5 games until we ran out of paint. Improv paintball. I actually got shot from the flukiest angle. The ball sailed up between my chin and my mask and broke on my lip/tooth. Paintballs don't taste good. I ordered a new mask that covers my chin. Hopefully that will never happen again.

Tuesday night we put Nathan's Zodiac together. This way when we're up at the cottage, we get to water ski (or at least try). It was also the first time I ever towed anything with the escape. However, a giant inflatable boat isnt much of a load.

I keep thinking the garden should be weeded and every day that goes past just makes that little voice in my head keep getting louder and louder. So, we havent done that yet. The voices are constantly louder.

Kinda took wed and thurs easy. Friday was the start of the Lobster Carnival. Went to a party with people from work. Met a lot of the Pictou crowd. Trooper played in the beer tent. I thought I only knew two of their songs. I was right. I've only ever heard two of their songs. Good band tho.

Saturday (my birthday)

The day started off in Pictou sleeping on the floor in Sandi's house. I got up, drove home, had some breakfast at Tim Horton's and headed for the wood shop. I got to the shop to find an excavator, front end loader and Val and Billie digging a hole. I mostly watched while the paint dried on the desk support I was making for Melissa. They put an old insulated tank in the ground. The idea is to store hot water for heating in it.

After that, I went to Brandon's for BBQ and eventually we made our way to Pictou for the Lobster Carnival.

Saturday night was the big night at the lobster carnival. As usual, it is nothing but a high school reunion. Security guard at the Beer garden checked everyone elses ID but when I got there, he said he didnt have too look at my ID, I just looked old enough. I now feel old. I did manage to meet someone and get her phone # tho, so it must have been a good night. I even got to hang out with one of my neighbours that I haven't seen in a long time.

At the end of the night, I got into a cab that was going to Division Rd. (opposite way to where I live) and we dropped those people off. Then the cabbie and I bartered cause we had to go back through Pictou to get to my place. He knocked $10 off my cab fee in exchange for stopping in Pictou and finding someone to go to New Glasgow. So we stopped in Pictou again. The only people at the cab place were going to Scotsburn (again in the wrong direction from my house). Haha... we went there anyways. After we dropped the guys off, the cabbie saw some people he knew sitting on their deck. So we went over and said hi. I had already had a great night and was in no rush. So we stayed and visited for about 15 mins... friendly people. Then we decided not to chance picking up any other fares. So we headed for Hopewell. We got to Westville and decided to stop for a pee-break and a coffee. We had a good chat the whole time. I was in the cab for about an hour and a half I figure. Overall, it was the most interesting cab ride I think I've ever been on. I met all kinds of people, and got to be the "co-pilot". Definately the highlight of the night.

When I got dropped off at Brandon's I figured it was about 4 in the morning and the sun was going to start coming up soon. So, I started walking for home. Took me an hour and a half to get home, but I was sooo looking forward to my own bed. When I walked in the driveway, the birds were singing and the sun was coming up. It was really nice. Good way to end off a great night. Then I turned and saw my door. I have a hose hanging in the yard. Someone took the hose and tied it to my door and wall and lights and tied it in knots. So, I had to "untie" my "hosed" door before I could go to bed. I had a good laugh. Thanks, JD

Overall, great birthday. Great Lobster Carnival.


Phone rang at 10:00am. Mike said, "We're cooking breakfast, you coming?" I said, "Yah, I'll be right over!" I hung up the phone changed and walked outside. Oh yah, I walked here last night. My car is still at Brandon's. Pick up the phone.

Mike: Hello

Chris: Uhh, yah can you come get me.

Got breakfast served at Brandon's (bacon and eggs... mmm). And then decided to head for Toney River. Got to see Melissa before she left. We watched most of the world cup, but had to leave just as it was getting good.

Jul 3, 2006

Fun with a camera...

Ever get bored with a camera?

Hold the shutter open for about 10 seconds and swirl the camer around.

Hold the shutter open for 10s and move around.

Making funny faces always helps.


We went to PEI to see the Tragically Hip. Left Friday morning on the 9:30 ferry. By the time we got to the ferry, we had stopped at Tim Horton's twice. We were in Charlottetown by noon and managed to pick up our tickets. We also found where to buy tokens for the beer tent.

Found our hotel room, which was more like an apartment. I somehow think that you could have fit another bed into the bathroom, it was that big.

Matt Mays played first. There weren't too many people there at this time. Then it poured rain but only for about 10 mins. Then came Sam Roberts. At the end, it was The Hip. Great show... everyone was into it... and there were only 2 fights we saw.

After the concert, we went to find some pizza and then go back to the hotel. This blog does not do the concert justice. It was a superb time.

Coming home on the Ferry

Land Ho!